The Designed to Profit Challenge starts March 12. Don't miss it!

Inside this Free 3-day Challenge , you get…
  • A customizable template that you can use to design your profit strategy so that you know what you’re working on is moving the needle forward in your business toward your profit goals
  • 3 Days of Trainings walking you through how to design a profit strategy so that you can build a consistent and sustainable cash flow for your business
  • 3 Days of Real-time Coaching & Access to Me to answer your questions so that you walk away from this challenge with an ACTUAL profit strategy, not just information

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Day One: Building A Business With Consistent Cash Flow Without Burnout

As we’re building a business the profit strategy is often overlooked, but it can completely change the trajectory of our business.

It can be the difference between consistent cash flow and no cash flow.


Day Two: Profit Strategy Pivot. It's Like An Energy Drink for Your Bank Account

There are so many profit strategies to choose from: 1:1 services, write an e-book, create a masterclass, build a course, subscription boxes, and  memberships just to name a few.

Day 2 is a backstage pass to how I looked at different profit strategy options for my business.

Day Three: The Secret to Building an Audience Ready to Buy

We talk strategies you can use right now to bring in an extra $1k or more this month. Because we don’t just want people in our audience.

We want people in our audience who also want to buy from us. In order to be a business we need to make sales. Otherwise it’s just an expensive hobby.