Saving you $18k/year whether you are brand new to business or making $100k

Crunch Your Numbers Club

Time to talk about the elephant in the room.

Bookkeeping is a legal requirement of your business. You either need to do it yourself or hire it out.

And you get what you pay for in this industry... hiring a bookkeeper who will track your income and expenses, help you manage your money to build wealth, avoid feast or famine "living paycheck to paycheck" months, avoid panic at tax time, increase your profits while at the same time decreasing your taxable income... is not cheap.

Those level of services cost a minimum of $1,500 per month. That’s $18k per year.

Or you could learn to do it yourself in the Crunch Your Numbers Club for a fraction of the cost. 

Get Started Today

Here's What Moms in Business are saying about the Crunch Your Numbers Method...

âś…100% of respondents said they feel more confident in their bookkeeping.

âś…100% of respondents said they feel more confident in their ability to understand profit margin.

âś…100% of respondents said they would recommend Crunch Your Numbers to a friend in business

And because pictures go a long way for social proof... here are some snapshots of the responses I received from moms in business who have gone through Crunch Your Numbers

Yes! I Want My Bookkeeping to Feel Easier!

"Jenni was so great to work with, very organized, and had an answer to all our questions gave us a great game plan to move forward with!"

- Jodie from KHE

Doing your own bookkeeping as a business owner is hard.  It takes so much time, right?!  

I know you went into business to help people. And it's okay if spreadsheets and numbers just aren't your thing. 

But you can't ignore your numbers if you want to stay in business. Bookkeeping isn't one of those nice to have things in business. It is legally necessary.

And come tax time you do not want to be one of those business owners staring at a tax bill with a deer in the headlights look as panic sets in because you don't have the money to pay your taxes. Nope. You want to avoid that like a hurricane.

The reality is you either need to hire it out OR do it yourself.

And you might not be ready to hire it out, because outsourcing too soon can leave you not able to pay yourself. For example, if you hired out a bookkeeper for this level of bookkeeping it would be $1,500 per month that's $18,000 a year.

By using my Crunch Your Numbers method, you could save that $18,000 and do your own bookkeeping with a simple strategy that only takes about an hour or two a month... is it worth 1-2 hours per month  of your time to save $18,000?! Definitely.

If you're doing it yourself, I have this thing for you and it's going to help you:

âś… Pay yourself more

âś… Be prepared for taxes, instead of hitting the panic button and scrambling to get all your invoices and receipts gathered for the past year

âś… Save money each month by not having to outsource leading to a higher profit margin

âś… Understand what your business expenses are

âś… Have your profit margin automatically calculated for you

✅ Sales goals calculated for you with the intention and purpose to actually have you reaching your profit goals 

✅ Calculations done for you 

It's called the Crunch Your Numbers Club.

In just your first 2 hours in the club, you can use my signature method to not only create a simple bookkeeping strategy  but also see how to pay yourself like a true CEO to avoid feast or famine months and remove panic when taxes are due.

This membership goes beyond basic bookkeeping and what typical software can do by calculating key financial numbers automatically for you so that you can actually build a business that is aligned with the financial freedom goals you have. Sales are great, but paying yourself with profits and using it to build your wealth is so much better.

Sign Up for the Crunch Your Numbers Club Here

Here's everything you'll achieve in just your first 2 hours in the Club...


Hour 1: Cracking The Bookkeeping Code

Inside this part of the membership you are going to learn how to track your expenses and income in a SMALL pocket of time without complicated software, using a checklist so no details get missed, AND be prepared for tax season.

No more scrambling every year to get your documents put together for tax season! Or panicking when a tax payment is due.

You can focus on your next launch while all the other small business owners are spending Q1 getting their financial ducks in a row. Can you imagine being a whole quarter ahead of your competition?! Ummm... yes please!!

Please Note: This is taught using United States standards for bookkeeping. If your business is not located in the United States this membership may not be as helpful as bookkeeping standards are not universal.


Hour 2: Set Profitable Sales Goals 

We don't want average sales goals. We want to make sure the sales goals we are striving for give us the profit we need.

Can you imagine setting a sales goal and still not being able to pay your personal bills because there's not enough profit left over after all the business bills are paid?! Yeah, I don't want that either. Setting profit goals and managing your money means no more "feast or famine" and paying yourself consistently! 

All of this in self-paced trainings that will take you 2 hours (or less!) right when you join the Crunch Your Numbers Club.

Because information is nothing without action. 

Enroll Today

Doing Your Own Bookkeeping Could Feel Like This

Imagine sitting on a beach, reading a book, the temperature a perfect 80 degrees, the kids are playing nicely, and just off the shoreline you see dolphins. Every bone in your body is relaxed and fully enjoying this day.

This is what bookkeeping can feel like when you are in the Crunch Your Numbers Club. Sure bookkeeping may not become your next favorite thing to do, but it won't be like dragging your fingernails along a chalkboard.

Use the Crunch Your Numbers exclusive spreadsheet as it automatically calculates your profit, profit margin, and shows you how you can split out your profit so that you can be prepared for income fluctuations, build your investments, and never be caught off guard by a tax payment again.

The tools you can use inside Crunch Your Numbers go beyond what a typical bookkeeping software can do, because I am all about not only showing you the method to use to do your own bookkeeping but also understanding your numbers so that you can make solid financial business decisions like the true CEO that you are.

Join Crunch Your Numbers Here

"Jenni was fantastic to work with. I would rate Jenni a 10/10."

- Farrah F.

Introducing the Crunch Your Numbers Club

A membership that empowers mompreneurs to go beyond basic bookkeeping, save yourself a ton of money each year, and build a business without financial anxiety.

I am committed to helping you build a wealth generating machine.

A business that is designed to be truly sustainable, scaleable and profitable. Regardless of what the economy is doing.

Here's Everything You Get When You Join the Crunch Your Numbers Club... 


Crunch Your Numbers Exclusive Spreadsheet

Going beyond just bookkeeping and what typical software can do - this spreadsheet does all the calculations for you. So you can focus on building wealth in your business. ($497 Monthly Value)

Build Confidence in Doing Your Own Bookkeeping

Opportunities to ask questions in the Slack Channel as you're doing your bookkeeping monthly. So you can have confidence as you do your own bookkeeping, not just information. ($497 Monthly Value)

Weekly Support from Me and Other Moms in Business

A community of support - not a free FB group (where the spammers are coming at you from every angle) No, this is not a FB group at all. We have the community set up on Slack which can be accessed from your computer or on your phone with the app.  You have a question or need advice? Drop it in the slack channel. There’s no spam or judgement here. Just support from myself and other women in business who get that the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship is a wild one. (Value: Priceless)

Get Your Questions Answered Live

In the All-Access Plan (this is not included in the Transformation Plan), you get opportunities to have your questions answered live. At least 3x per month we hang out for about an hour. I answer any questions you have about bookkeeping strategies, profit strategies (i.e. how to make more money), what you're struggling with etc.  ($997 monthly value)

How It Works

In this membership, you can choose between two levels of support where we work together to build the framework you need to do your own bookkeeping and build wealth for you and your business.

  • Exclusive Member Spreadsheet to do all the calculating for you
  • Self-paced Training Module so you can gain the knowledge you need to do your own bookkeeping
  • Slack Channel Coaching so you can ask questions throughout the week
  • Supportive Community so you can stop feeling alone
  • Q&A Calls for Live Support - available ONLY in the All-Access Plan

You will gain the skills and tools you need to do your own bookkeeping, pay yourself more, be prepared for taxes, save money each month by not having to outsource your bookkeeping, understand your business expenses, and set sales goals with the intention of reaching your profit goals.

Pick Your Level of Support Here

Who the heck am I?

Whoops! Got so carried away telling you about Crunch Your Numbers that I totally forgot to introduce myself. Hi! I’m Jenni aka not your average bookkeeping coach. I'm a mom of 4 (3 girls and a boy), and trying to earn my green thumb in gardening. Oh and I LOVE baking. And the show Friends. “I’ll be there for you…”

I grew up watching my parents struggle as my dad ran his own business with financial advice that was less than stellar. I lived the feast or famine cycle month to month. Those feast months were amazing for our family and the famine months are ones I would never wish on anybody.

I learned pretty early on I had a love for numbers and started my career path in high school and then college. My dad always said, "man it would have been nice to have someone like you in my back pocket when I was building this business". And while I couldn't go back in time and do it for my dad. I can do it for you.

I’m passionate about helping moms in business simplify their bookkeeping and understand their numbers with easy strategies, so they can earn the profits they are dreaming about!  Which is why I created Crunch Your Numbers. 

Today I have helped over 500 moms in business learn how to tackle their own bookkeeping. It's been an amazing blessing to help so many women in business understand their numbers! 

Join Crunch Your Numbers

"Jenni was super helpful. Answered exactly what I was wondering when I was considering a new business opportunity!!!

- Katelyn G. 

Would you rather crawl through glass than do your own bookkeeping? If you seek a strategy that doesn’t FEEL like a heavy, time consuming process… The Crunch Your Numbers Club is it.

I'm Ready!

Crunch Your Numbers Club All-Access Plan


Best suited for business owners making $2k+ per month.

  • 1x Monthly Bookkeeping Q & A Office Hour Call for Live Support
  • 2x Monthly Profit Strategy Coaching Call for Live Support
  • Go beyond bookkeeping and dig into profit strategies too
  • Profit Strategy Support in Slack Channel
  • Live Quarterly Planning Parties with Jenni to make sure you're confident and clear in your next steps
  •  Quick Trainings to Get Started Doing Your Own Bookkeeping in 2 hours (or less!)
  • How to Classify Business Expenses with Exclusive Member Spreadsheet
  • Pay Yourself Like a true CEO - Calculations Done for You with Exclusive Member Spreadsheet
  • Profit Margin Calculated For You with Exclusive Member Spreadsheet
  • Staying on Top of Taxes and Reducing Taxable Income Tips
  • Monthly Summary Sheet to Make Filing Taxes at Year End a Breeze
  • Designing an Abundant Budget Training
  • Bookkeeping Support in Slack Channel
  • Monthly Check-ins to See how You Are Doing 
Yes, Join Now As An All-Access Member

Crunch Your Numbers Club Transformation Plan


Best suited for business owners making $0-$2k per month.

  • Quick Trainings to Get Started Doing Your Own Bookkeeping in 2 hours (or less!)
  • Bookkeeping Support in Slack Channel so you can get your questions answered
  • How to Classify Business Expenses with Exclusive Member Spreadsheet
  • Pay Yourself Like a true CEO - Calculations Done for You with Exclusive Member Spreadsheet
  • Profit Margin Calculated For You with Exclusive Member Spreadsheet
  • Staying on Top of Taxes and Reducing Taxable Income Tips
  • Monthly Summary Sheet to Make Filing Taxes at Year End a Breeze
  • Designing an Abundant Budget Training 
  • Monthly Check-ins to See how You Are Doing 

* Does NOT include Live Q&A Calls. Support is given via Slack only for this plan level.

*Does NOT include Live Quarterly Planning Parties

*Does NOT include diving into further Profit Strategies. Support is given for bookkeeping only at this plan level.

Yes, Join Now As A Transformation Member

Crunch Your Numbers is for you if...

  • You are a business located in the United States of America
  • You are just starting out or have been in business a while but wish you had better understanding of your numbers
  • You sell your own services OR sell other products/services and earn a commission
  • You want to gain consistency in tracking your numbers
  • You want to pay yourself like a true CEO
  • You want to build sales goals to tell you how many clients you need to serve to reach your profit goals

Crunch Your Numbers is NOT for you if...

  • You are not located in the United States of America (there is not a universal standard for bookkeeping so this course may not benefit you as well & I want to be upfront about that)
  • You have no desire to do the work yourself
  • You understand all of your numbers
  • Tax season is not stressful
  • You are consistent in tracking your numbers or have someone doing it for you consistently
  • You want to learn to file your own taxes (I will NOT be teaching you how to file your own taxes)