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Stop Trading Time for Money with

The Course Creation Academy

A group coaching program that empowers mompreneurs to create an online course and build a wealth generating machine in your business that continues to bring in cash without trading time for dollars. 

At the end of the 12-month program you will have your first course and a business that is designed to be truly sustainable, scaleable and profitable. Regardless of what the economy is doing.

"Jenni was so great to work with, very organized, and had an answer to all our questions gave us a great game plan to move forward with!"

- Jodie from KHE

I know it is so hard to trade time for money and it is not sustainable.

I completely get it. There's only so much time in a day and you want to be sure you're making money moves in your business.


I know you want to create a sustainable, scaleable and profitable strategy for your business. Not just a quick cash system that leaves you in famine mode for months and months.

I also know you want to help more people than you can with a 1:1 done for you model.

You have so much knowledge and experience to share.

And you would love to make a bigger impact on others while also adding another revenue stream to your business in the process.

But… you’re also nervous about adding another offer to your business.

You don’t want to spend time and energy on a flop if you start promoting a course.

You’re worried that your current clients will see you offering a course and assume the work you do for them is no longer your top priority.

And you wonder: Would it be worth it? 

Would it be worth it to launch a course that you’re not even sure you could fill and risk ruining the business you’ve already built?

I hear you.

And I want you to know that adding a course will not cause you to …

đźš« lose your current clients or their trust in you

đźš« confuse your audience

In fact, adding a course will do the opposite.

Launching a course will build your credibility as an expert in your field. As you talk about your course, you’ll also draw in more clients. Some of which who will want your course and some who will be still  interested in your 1:1 services (that is until your fully booked out, hitting your profit goals, and have a waiting list) because people will feel your confidence and see how excited you are about what you do.

Inside Course Creation Academy, you will create and sell a course that makes total sense for your values, mission, and brand.

I’ll show you how to balance the creation and execution of this offer with your current workload.

You will never feel like you’re grinding out extra hours or sacrificing more of your time as you build your first course.

Your 1:1 clients will celebrate and share your course (and, heck, maybe even become some of your first course clients!)


It's time to stop settling for less than you're capable of as a mom with a business. 

Creating my own course changed the trajectory of my business in ways I never even imagined. The amount of moms I was able to support without trading my time for money was an "I'm running this business and making an impact" type moment. I no longer felt like my business was running me. And I want to help you do that for your business too!

When my business was calling the shots I felt defeated.

đźš« Sleepless nights worrying about how low the bank account balance is, wondering if you'll have to go back and get a "real job" when the kiddos are older, and tossing and turning trying to figure out how to make your business succeed.

🚫 Sitting the kiddos in front of the TV and restarting Paw Patrol for the 20th time to squeeze in 10 more minutes of work and get a couple more things checked off your to-do list before calling it quits... Except there's this nagging feeling of guilt that it still wasn't enough - for the kids, you, or your business.

đźš« Income goals on 1,000 sticky notes hoping & praying this is your year.

But creating a course might make you feel nervous.

🤷🏻‍♀️ You don't know how long it should be. 

🤷🏻‍♀️ You don't know what should or should not be included. 

🤷🏻‍♀️ You don't know if you have the right audience built.

🤷🏻‍♀️ You don't know how to find the time to create the course to begin with.

You may not know exactly what's holding you back from building your course but you know you want it so you can get consistent monthly income... that isn't trading time for money.

The moment I created my course and started to feel like I was running the business like a true CEO...

âś… Finally your bills are on autopay & you get to rest & relax KNOWING it's covered + you have savings, investments, and then some

✅ you finally feel like a CEO, a real business owner, who not only has a full tracking on finances but also knows how to be profitable year after year

✅ more time with your kiddos & family, more trips because you have a profitable business

If you crave this kind of freedom in your business, click the button below.

"Jenni was fantastic to work with. I would rate Jenni a 10/10."

- Farrah F.

Introducing the Course Creation Academy

A 12-month group coaching program that empowers mompreneurs to design your first course and recession proof your business.

I am committed to helping you build a wealth generating machine in your business that continues to bring in cash without trading time for dollars.

A business that is designed to be truly sustainable, scaleable and profitable. Regardless of what the economy is doing.

Here's Everything You Get When You Join Course Creation Academy...

Build Confidence In Your Strategy

Weekly opportunities to have your course strategy reviewed as you're going through the workbook. So you can have confidence in your strategy to build your course (not just information, because that won’t move the needle. We’re focused on ACTION.) ($997 monthly value)

Get Your Questions Answered Live

Weekly opportunities to have your questions answered live. Each week we hang out for about an hour. I answer any questions you have about course strategies, profit strategies, what you're struggling with etc.  ($997 monthly value)

24/7 Support from Me and Other Moms in Business

A community of support - not a free FB group (where the spammers are coming at you from every angle) No, this is not a FB group at all. We have the community set up on Slack which can be accessed from your computer or on your phone with the app.  You have a question or need advice? Drop it in the slack channel. There’s no spam or judgement here. Just support from myself and other women in business who get that the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship is a wild one. (Value: Priceless)

Bonus #1: Tackling Double the To-Do List Without Being Exhausted

As a mom and business owner… you have double the to-do list and like half the time.

Building a business on top of the family schedules, kiddos, and the emotions that come with trying to balance it all. It’s exhausting.

We will go over:

  • I’ll share how I work between 5 and 15 hours per week as a solopreneur. Meaning I don’t have a team to outsource tasks to. 
  • I do it all in 15 hours or less per week. And I still watch TV and chill at night. I still spend time with my kids and hubby. And I do not get up at 4 am.
  • In this module, I will drop all my tips on building a business around my priorities (#1 Priority the ability to be a present mom and wife. Not consumed by my business.)

Bonus #2: Little Lists and Small Audiences Can Be Profitable Too

Many small business owners focus on building their list and selling later when they hit a “magical, this is what’s going to start bringing in sales” audience number.

We will go over:

  • You do not need a large audience to have a $10k profit month. 
  • There is no magical number when selling then becomes the main goal. 
  • You are building a business, not an expensive hobby. Selling is important all the time.
  • Designing a plan to attract new clients to your email list in a way that aligns with your goals.

Bonus #3: Create a Plan to Reach $5k+ Profit Months Consistently

We will go over:

  • How many clients do you actually need to do to reach a $5k+ Profit Month? It’s probably less than you think.
  • How to reach that goal? We will set up a plan specific to your business and your profit goals. This is not a one-size fits all type plan.

Bonus #4: Don't Work for Free

Selling makes you nervous, uneasy, and imposter syndrome sets in quickly. Even the most successful business owners have launches that failed. They have programs that were mentioned once and then never again.

We will go over:

  • Don’t work for free. Test out a pre-sale and save yourself wasted time and anxiety.
  • The benefit of selling to a small audience. You can test things out and increase your confidence so when you’re selling to a bigger audience you are even better at it!

Bonus #5: Building a Profitable Business in a Down Economy

We can read all the signs, pay attention to what other business owners are doing, adjust our strategies as needed… but the reality is we don’t really know what’s going to happen. Recession or not, we simply cannot predict the future.

We will go over:

  • How to build a profitable business even in a down economy
  • Strategies to raise profit margin
  • Steps for future proofing your business to help ensure you are setting a foundation for a profitable business regardless of what the economy does

How It Works

In this 12-Month Group Coaching Program we build your framework to the path for creating a course and building a profit strategy to recession proof your business in just 12 months.  

  • 12 Months of Weekly Coaching Calls so that you can ask questions live and get real-time support.
  • Self-Paced Training Portal with 12 months access so that you can gain the knowledge you need to design a profitable, sustainable and scaleable course.
  • 12 Months of Slack Channel Coaching so that you can ask questions throughout the week and not have to wait for the weekly call if you need an answer sooner.
  • Supportive Community so that you stop feeling alone.

You’ll leave this program with a course ready to sell and a profit strategy designed to reach your individual profit goals. 

"Jenni was super helpful. Answered exactly what I was wondering when I was considering a new business opportunity!!! 

- Katelyn G.

Who the Heck Am I?

Whoops! I got so carried away telling you about the Course Creation Academy that I totally forgot to introduce myself. Hi! I’m Jenni aka not your average profit strategist. I'm a mom of 4 (3 girls and a boy), and trying to earn my green thumb in gardening. Oh and I LOVE baking. And the show Friends. “I’ll be there for you…”

Like you, I’ve tried “doing all the things” in my business. And failed. Like flat on my face, failed. We’re talking panic attacks where my heart is racing a mile a minute and guilt ridden over not spending more time with my kids. Failed.

Can I tell you something? Working more, hustling harder, and stretching yourself so thin is not the way to go.

If creating a course to build a profitable business is stressing you out and making you feel like less of the stellar business owner and mom you are, you’re in the right place.

I have helped over 500 women in business simplify understanding their numbers and how they can use those numbers to make profitable business decisions.

With the Course Creation Academy, you can design a course you are passionate about and not burnt out by without spending thousands of dollars on outsourcing.

Instead we will work together to design a roadmap you can follow to create your course, design your profit strategy, and grow your way to consistently profitable months (and even scale up from there if you’d like!) Sound good?

Still Have a Few Questions Before Joining Course Creation Academy?

If you have any questions about whether or not this is a good fit for you please reach out by filling out this quick form and I'll answer your questions (via email or Instagram Messenger) so you can make the decision that works best for your business.

In the Meantime, you might find your answers below in the FAQs.

How Much Time Will This Take?

Feeling like you're already being pulled in a million different directions and signing up for more sounds a little overwhelming at the moment...

I totally get that! Running a business as a mom is tough and we don't have extra time just laying around.

Which is why you don't want to spend hours and hours per week trying to figure out how to build this whole course thing. You want not only a step by step process but also the ability to ask questions and get them answered so you can move toward your goals quickly.

This program is set up to save you time as you create your course. You can expect to need 2-4 hours per week as you work through the Course Creation Academy. 

I know for myself, every time I've worked with a business coach I've been able to see areas of my business that were not serving me in terms of actually moving the needle forward in my business. So even though I've needed time to spend on the program I ended up not needing extra time at all because I was just able to stop a task that was not serving my business well (or streamlined a process so it was faster) and that freed up the time I needed for the program. My goal is to do the same for you. :)

How Can I Be Sure This Will Work For Me?

Launching a course will build your credibility as an expert in your field. As you talk about your course, you’ll also draw in more clients. Some of which who will want your course and some who will be still  interested in your 1:1 services (that is until your fully booked out, hitting your profit goals, and have a waiting list) because people will feel your confidence and see how excited you are about what you do.

This program is designed & has every single thing you need to recession proof your business and design your course!  With my step by step method & weekly hands on coaching your business will be set up for success but it's up to YOU to show up, get coached, & implement. Knowledge is nothing without action!

Do You Offer Any Refunds?

Since your purchase is an online based group coaching program, it is deemed “used” after purchasing, download or opening. All online group coaching programs are non-refundable.


Where is the Community Hosted?

The course portal is in Kajabi and community is in Slack, both of which you can view on your desktop or on your phone via their app. Links for both are emailed directly to you after your sign up for the program. No social media distraction here!

As A Mom In Business You Should Not Have to go Broke to Get the Strategy You Need

I know not everyone is going to geek out on this whole numbers thing like me. But I want every small business owner to be able to recession proof their business and design their course without being a stressed out mama in the process. So I ran the numbers for my business and set the lowest price I could (group programs typically run $800-$1,500 per month). Then I put as much value into the Course Creation Academy as I could. Value CAN be affordable, because business owners should not have to go broke to get the strategies they need.

When you join...

âś… You will have a course that builds your credibility as an expert in your field.

✅ You will build a wealth generating machine for your business that continues to make you money without trading time for dollars

âś… You will design a recession proof strategy to avoid feast or famine months regardless of what the economy is doing

âś… You will finally have a business that is designed to be truly sustainable, scaleable and profitable

Let’s do it!